Be Safe While Visiting

As a visitor to the falls… Be a SAFE visitor! Enjoy hiking the trails, but hike at your own risk. Many people have been injured over the years at these very falls. The gorge itself has high cliffs with loose debris on the edge, with risks for falling. Any rock that is wet is as slick as ice, with risks for slipping. Please don’t climb up the face of the falls, work around the edges.

Water has enormous power and can easily sweep a child or adult downstream. There is no life guard on duty, enjoy the falls but swim at your own risk. Most adults can easily swim to safety; however, a child can easily panic.

One of the most avoidable hazards is injury from glass.  Waterfalls, rocks and glass containers simply do not mix. Glass and glass bottles are strictly prohibited in the gorge and at the falls. If you bring glass containers to the falls, even in a cooler, you will be asked to leave and prohibited from returning.